Stanza 124


The colonel saw the local men amazed
At the facilities marines had raised
And left them to consider how this gift
Allowed the thirsty villagers to shift
To cleaner water sources. This would be
Salvation for the poor community.
But now the mayor and the mullah take
The fastest route to where the leaders break
The news to the respected militant
From Hezbollah. They are not hesitant,
And so the cleric says, "You won't believe
The evil that the infidel conceive.
The buildings they erected have been planned
As restrooms, but we can not let them stand.
The toilets are positioned so that they
Will face the Qiblah    or will face away.
On top of this, the hardened criminals
Have cordoned off the toilets within stalls
So no one can assume a legal stance
In hopes that we will sin like deviants."