Stanza 125


The mayor next declares, "The colonel said,
'Allah is a disease, but if instead
Of willingly submitting you rebel
I have the power to keep you safe from hell,
For I have conquered death. No one shall die
If you acknowledge me. Your own supply
Of water I return, and it is pure.
There is no need to wonder. I assure
You both that every toilet is in line
Precisely with the Kaaba, for that shrine
Is targeted as perfectly as we
Could manage under such expediency.'
I've never seen such haughty arrogance
As when he claimed to have omnipotence
And majesty to rival The Most Great.
I only hope we can exterminate
This evil doer when we put an end
To these monstrosities that so offend.
May God annihilate that awful man!
Please tell us that you can create a plan."