Now when the time is right, around the square
The people gather for the theater
And all the plaza functions as the stage.
The prophet's grandson and his entourage,
In somber dress parade before the crowd,
Then pitch a green pavilion as the loud
Flamboyant enemies in lurid hues
Make gross demands the Imam must refuse.
"Submit before the lord in Syria!"
And Hussein answers, "Only to Allah
Do I submit, and surely in the flames
Will I abide if I accept the claims
The tyrant in Damascus sinfully
Confers upon himself. The riches he
Reserves for his own pleasure are the right
Of widows and of orphans. I invite
The despot to accept
The Merciful
And do God's work." But now the terrible
Antagonists respond with massive force
To block the Imam from the watercourse.