Abbas is not deterred and in his wrath
Attacks the enemies who block his path.
They grudgingly respect the hero's sword
As he continues to make progress toward
The river with the skin a second time.
His courage lends the children a sublime
Relief, for they are positive he can
Aggressively annihilate each man
Who might attempt to keep him from the goal.
The foes surround him, but they can't control
The action as the standard bearer strikes
And freely moves amongst them as he likes,
Confounding every tactic that they choose.
But overwhelming numbers disabuse
The faithful of their former confidence.
Abbas is left devoid of a defense
When both his hands are severed at the wrist.
Then lacking any method to resist
The caliph's men, the standard bearer dies.
In vain the thirsty hope to see him rise.