Stanza 144


Then one by one the enemy destroys
The Imam's faithful men and even boys.
Hussein considers offering a truce
And asks his enemies, "Could I induce
The caliph to relent If I depart,
Renouncing all my claims to ever start
A dynasty competing for his throne?"
The answer came to him, "If you condone
The caliph's policies and recognize
That he is lord and publicly advise
Your followers to do these things as well,
Then he will show you mercy. We'll compel
Your acquiescence if you still maintain
Hostility." These promises Hussein
Refuses to declare, and so his kin
Are slaughtered. Though the Imam holds within
His arms an infant, they don't hesitate
To kill the baby and assassinate
The Imam whose devotion to Allah
Is sealed in tragedy at Karbala.