Stanza 18


Now after all have finished their salat
They thank the sayyid for whatever thought
Had prompted him to visit them this day.
He answers them, "Not very far away
In Samarra my heart still gave me grief,
Because Wahhabi men of false belief
Had blown apart the ancient golden dome
Where the two sacred Imams made their home
And where their honored bodies are interred.
Our hearts are saddened but we're not deterred.
The pious imams worshiped as they did,
Though persecuted by the Abbasid,
And called upon their followers to do
The deeds that God defined as good and true.
Now we must labor to rebuild the shrine
So all who visit recognize divine
Authority was given to them both
As God's vice-regents to insure the growth
Of understanding of the laws of God.
Their holy sacrifice we must applaud.